*** a3 Timeline Changelog *** = 1.9.1 - 2024/07/26 = * This release has a fix for the date order sort on the timelines. * Fix - Update meta_query for correct date order sort on Timeline. = 1.9.0 - 2024/07/15 = * This release has various tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 6.6. Also new plugin activation pattern. * Feature - Can now install and activate the plugin without having to first install the a3 Dashboard plugin. * Tweak - Notification shows when plugin is installed without the Dashboard, need to install a3 Dashboard for auto updates and support. * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.6 = 1.8.0 - 2024/04/02 = * This feature release adds custom permalinks, start-date and end-date plus remove past events by end-date. * Feature - Add Custom Timeline Permalink * Feature - Add meta start-date & end-date * Feature - Add option Remove Past Events by end date meta = 1.7.2 - 2023/11/22 = * Framework - Set parameter number of preg_match function from null to 0 for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards * Framework - Validate empty before call trim for option value = 1.7.1 - 2023/08/29 = * This maintenance release has 2 bug fixes for Timelines. * Fix - a3 Timeline show duplicated post content when content is created in a Column blocks * Fix - Timeline list, align all post text to the left. = 1.7.0 - 2023/06/17 = * This feature release adds support for Custom Timeline URL auto creating a link back Timelines from the post. * Feature - Add custom URL field to Timeline Taxonomy. * Feature - Timeline meta Link is auto created at footer of Timeline post. * Feature - Timeline meta link only shows on the post and not on the Timeline entry. * Tweak - On the Timeline Creation or edit interface add the new enter URL to page or post the timeline shortcode is embedded on. * Docs - Update docs with this new Timeline Link feature * Tweak - Remove custom meta for single post type create Link to Timeline from Post that was added in version 1.6.0 = 1.6.0 - 2023/06/15 = * This feature release adds support for Post Author and Meta for creating a link back Timelines from the post. * Feature - Add Support for Post Author * Feature - Add custom meta for single post type create Link to Timeline from Post, this does not show on the timeline * Tweak - Remove custom date meta, replace use Published date post type. = 1.5.0 - 2023/06/12 = * This feature release adds support for the core More block in the post plus a meta link to the timeline from the post. * Feature - Add support for the Core -- More -- Block. Allows making large posts but only showing part on the timeline with read more link to post. * Feature - Add meta-Link to Timeline from Post. The link does not show on the timeline. * Tweak - Show post editor from the WordPress admin bar * Tweak - Minor Text error on Settings. = 1.4.0 - 2023/05/31 = * This feature release upgrades the Timeline Post Editor to Block Editor plus compatibility with WordPress 6.2.0 * Feature - Upgrade from Classic editor to the new Block editor for timeline posts. * Feature - Old timeline posts are converted to the new block editor with content in the Classic Block * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.2 = 1.3.0 - 2023/01/03 = * This feature release removes font face and fontawesome Libs and replaces icons with SVGs for better Lighthouse Performance audit scores * Feature - Remove font face JS and CSS * Feature - Create an SVG for each font face icon that was removed. * Performance - Removes Font face and fontawesome render blocking scripts for better Lighthouse Performance audit scores. = 1.2.1 - 2022/05/25 = * This is a maintenance release for compatibility with WordPress 6.0 including 1 bug fix. * Tweak - Template for compatibility with WordPress 6.0 * Fix - Get 404 when accessing a3 Timeline tag = 1.2.0 - 2022/04/04 = * This security hardening release follows a full PHPCS code audit with code refactoring and security hardening including additional escaping and sanitizing. * Security - Escape all $-variable * Security - Sanitize all $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST * Security - Apply wp_unslash before sanitizing = 1.1.11 - 2022/01/24 = * This is a maintenance release for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.9 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.9 = 1.1.9 - 2021/07/19 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.8 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.8 * Tweak - Add Update URI to plugin header with unique name = 1.1.8 - 2021/03/17 * This maintenance release updates deprecated jQuery functions for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery in WordPress 5.7 * Tweak – Replace deprecated .change( handler ) with .on( 'change', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .change() with .trigger('change') * Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus( handler ) with .on( 'focus', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .focus() with .trigger('focus') * Tweak – Replace deprecated .click( handler ) with .on( 'click', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .click() with .trigger('click') * Tweak – Replace deprecated .select( handler ) with .on( 'select', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .select() with .trigger('select') * Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur( handler ) with .on( 'blur', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .blur() with .trigger('blur') * Tweak – Replace deprecated .resize( handler ) with .on( 'resize', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .submit( handler ) with .on( 'submit', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .scroll( handler ) with .on( 'scroll', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .mousedown( handler ) with .on( 'mousedown', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseover( handler ) with .on( 'mouseover', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .mouseout( handler ) with .on( 'mouseout', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .keydown( handler ) with .on( 'keydown', handler ) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr('disabled', 'disabled') with .prop('disabled', true) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr('disabled') with .prop('disabled', false) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr('selected', 'selected') with .prop('selected', true) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr('selected') with .prop('selected', false) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .attr('checked', 'checked') with .prop('checked', true) * Tweak – Replace deprecated .removeAttr('checked') with .prop('checked', false) = 1.1.7 - 2021/03/10 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.7 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.7 = 1.1.6 - 2020/01/31 = * This is an important maintenance release that updates our scripts for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery released in WordPress 5.6 * Tweak - Update JavaScript on plugin for work compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .bind( event, handler ) by .on( event, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace :eq() Selector by .eq() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .error() by .on( “error” ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace :first Selector by .first() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace :gt(0) Selector by .slice(1) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Remove jQuery.browser for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.isArray() by Array.isArray() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.isFunction(x) by typeof x === “function” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.isNumeric(x) by typeof x === “number” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.now() by Date.now() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.parseJSON() by JSON.parse() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Remove jQuery.support for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.trim(x) by x.trim() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.type(x) by typeof x for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .load( handler ) by .on( “load”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .size() by .length for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .unbind( event ) by .off( event ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .unload( handler ) by .on( “unload”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery = 1.1.5 - 2020/12/08 = * This maintenance release has tweaks for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.6 and PHP 7.4.8 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with PHP 7.4.8 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.6 = 1.1.4 - 2020/08/10 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.5 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5 = 1.1.3 - 2020/05/26 = * Tweak - Tweak CSS, JS load only for shortcode. * Fix - Fix Deprecated: Non-static method A3Rev\A3Timeline\Shortcode::shortcode_frontend() = 1.1.2 - 2020/04/03 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.4, PHP 7.4 with 4 PHP code fixes * Tweak - Plugin Framework fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code on admin panels * Tweak - Update plugin for compatibility with new version of plugin Framework * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4 * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with Woocommerce v 4.0.1 and update tested up to version notice. * Fix - Update global ${$this- to $GLOBALS[$this to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings * Fix - Update global ${$option to $GLOBALS[$option to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings * Fix - Update less PHP lib that use square brackets [] instead of curly braces {} for Array, depreciated in PHP 7.4 * Fix - Validate to not use get_magic_quotes_gpc function that are depreciated in PHP 7.4 = 1.1.1 - 2020/02/18 = * This maintenance releases fixes a fatal PHP error from the previous release. * Fix - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context, for Post type Class = 1.1.0 - 2019/12/20 = * This feature upgrade is a major refactor of the PHP code to Composer Dependency Manager, a security review and hardening, compatibility with Responsi 7.7.0 and WordPress 5.3.2 * Feature - Plugin fully refactored to Composer for cleaner and faster PHP code * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with Responsi version 7.7.0 * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress version 5.3.2 * Dev - Ensure that all inputs are sanitized * Dev - Ensure that all outputs are escaped = 1.0.4 - 2019/06/29 = * This is a maintenance upgrade to fix a potentially fatal error conflict with sites running PHP 7.3 plus compatibility with WordPress v 5.2.2 * Fix – PHP warning continue targeting switch is equivalent to break for compatibility on PHP 7.3 = 1.0.3 - 2019/01/07 = * This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2, WooCommerce 3.5.3 and PHP 7.3. It also includes performance updates to the plugin framework. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2 and WordPress 4.9.9 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.3 * Tweak - Create new structure for future development of Gutenberg Blocks * Framework - Performance improvement. Replace wp_remote_fopen with file_get_contents for get web fonts * Framework - Performance improvement. Define new variable `is_load_google_fonts` if admin does not require to load google fonts * Credit - Props to Derek for alerting us to the framework google fonts performance issue * Framework - Register style name for dynamic style of plugin for use with Gutenberg block * Framework - Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1 * Framework - Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.1.0 * Framework - Test and update for compatibility with PHP 7.3 = 1.0.2 - 2018/05/26 = * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 * Fix - Issue with WooCommerce product Tags showing in Timeline Tag selectors = 1.0.1 - 2018/05/08 = * This Maintenance update is focused on the events display on the timeline. * Tweak - Tweak js logic for Layout horizontal number of post to show setting. * Tweak - Add support for paragraph spacing in content of event on timeline. * Tweak - Add support for shortcodes in content of event on timeline. * Fix - Add support for image caption text in content of event on the timeline. * Tweak - Update text on Settings page, settings Option Box. = 1.0.0 - 2018/05/04 = * First release of the plugin via a3rev Dashboard