*** WooCommerce Carousel and Slider Changelog *** = 2.5.2 - 2023/11/22 = * This maintenance release has plugin framework updates for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards, plus backward compatibility to WooCommerce 6.0. * Tweak - Remove backward compatibility for WooCommerce versions less than 6.0 * Framework - Set parameter number of preg_match function from null to 0 for compatibility with PHP 8.1 onwards * Framework - Validate empty before call trim for option value = 2.5.1 - 2023/10/30 = This maintenance release has a Code Tweak for compatibility with WordPress 6.4 and WooCommerce 8.2 * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress 6.4 * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2 * Tweak - Call add action to 'enqueue_block_assets' instead of 'enqueue_block_editor_assets' for enqueue style inside iframe of Gutenberg. = 2.5.0 - 2023/09/07 = * This feature release adds a "Products Slider" Block for use with Gutenberg templates. Also compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0.3 and WordPress 6.3 * Feature - Define new "Products Slider" block to show carousel/slider on Gutenberg Block templates pages. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0.3 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.3.0 * Fix - New carousel/slider Block resolves issues that the carousel/slider shortcode has with Gutenberg templates. = 2.4.1 - 2023/04/26 = * This release has a bug fix from yesterdays version 2.4.0 release. Please update now. * Fix - Correct required WP version to 6.0, was mistakenly set at 56.0 = 2.4.0 - 2023/04/25 = * This release has compatibility with WordPress 6.2.0, WooCommerce 7.6.0 plus declared compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.2 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.6.0 * Tweak - Test and declare plugin compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS Custom Tables. = 2.3.0 - 2023/01/03 = * This feature release removes the fontawesome lib and replaces icons with SVGs plus adds Default Topography option to font controls and has compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2 * Feature - Convert icon from font awesome to SVG * Feature - Update styling for new SVG icons * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.2 * Plugin Framework - Update typography control from plugin framework to add support for Default value * Plugin Framework - Default value will get fonts set in the theme. * Plugin Framework - Change generate typography style for change on typography control * Plugin Framework - Remove fontawesome lib = 2.2.1 - 2022/11/01 = * This maintenance release has a security vulnerability patch, plus compatibility with WordPress major version 6.1.0 and WooCommerce version 7.0 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.1 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 7.0 * Security – This release has a patch for a security vulnerability = 2.2.0 - 2022/05/24 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 6.0 and WooCommerce version 6.5.1. It and includes various code tweaks and tweaks to harden security. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 6.0 * Tweak - Add filter on generate_border_style_css * Tweak - Add filter on generate_border_corner_css * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 6.5 * Framework – Upgrade Plugin Framework to version 2.6.0 * Security - Various code hardening tweaks. * Security - Escape all $-variable * Security - Sanitize all $_REQUEST, $_GET, $_POST * Security - Apply wp_unslash before sanitize = 2.1.0 - 2022/01/22 = * This release has a new Google Fonts API Validation feature plus compatibility with WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.1.1 * Feature - Add Ajax Validate button for Google Fonts API, for quick and easy Validation of API key. * Dev - Add dynamic help text to Google Font API field * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.9 * Framework - Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.5.0 = 2.0.12 - 2021/11/20 = * This maintenance release has check for compatibility with PHP version 8.x and WooCommerce 5.9 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with PHP 8.x * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.9 = 2.0.11 - 2021/07/20 = * This maintenance release has code tweaks for compatibility with WordPress Major version 5.8, WooCommerce version 5.5.1 and some Security Hardening. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.8 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5.1 * Tweak - Add Update URI to plugin header with unique name * Tweak - Skip version 2.0.10 to avoid PHP version misread * Security - Add more variable, options and html escaping = 2.0.9 - 2021/07/12 = * This small maintenance release contains a security patch. * Security - Added escaping for the shortcode parameters = 2.0.8 - 2021/03/19 = * This maintenance release updates 23 deprecated jQuery functions for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery in WordPress 5.7 * Tweak - Update JavaScript on plugin framework for compatibility with latest version of jQuery and resolve PHP warning event shorthand is deprecated. * Tweak - Replace deprecated .change( handler ) with .on( 'change', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .change() with .trigger('change') * Tweak - Replace deprecated .focus( handler ) with .on( 'focus', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .focus() with .trigger('focus') * Tweak - Replace deprecated .click( handler ) with .on( 'click', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .click() with .trigger('click') * Tweak - Replace deprecated .select( handler ) with .on( 'select', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .select() with .trigger('select') * Tweak - Replace deprecated .blur( handler ) with .on( 'blur', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .blur() with .trigger('blur') * Tweak - Replace deprecated .resize( handler ) with .on( 'resize', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .submit( handler ) with .on( 'submit', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .scroll( handler ) with .on( 'scroll', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .mousedown( handler ) with .on( 'mousedown', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .mouseover( handler ) with .on( 'mouseover', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .mouseout( handler ) with .on( 'mouseout', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .keydown( handler ) with .on( 'keydown', handler ) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .attr('disabled', 'disabled') with .prop('disabled', true) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .removeAttr('disabled') with .prop('disabled', false) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .attr('selected', 'selected') with .prop('selected', true) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .removeAttr('selected') with .prop('selected', false) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .attr('checked', 'checked') with .prop('checked', true) * Tweak - Replace deprecated .removeAttr('checked') with .prop('checked', false) = 2.0.7 - 2021/03/09 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.7 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.0 * Tweak - Use new function wp_getimagesize of WP instead of getimagesize = 2.0.6 - 2021/01/13 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WooCommerce major version 4.9.0. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9.0 = 2.0.5 - 2020/12/30 = * This is an important maintenance release that updates our scripts for compatibility with the latest version of jQuery released in WordPress 5.6 * Tweak - Update JavaScript on plugin framework for work compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .bind( event, handler ) by .on( event, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace :eq() Selector by .eq() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .error() by .on( “error” ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace :first Selector by .first() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace :gt(0) Selector by .slice(1) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Remove jQuery.browser for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.isArray() by Array.isArray() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.isFunction(x) by typeof x === “function” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.isNumeric(x) by typeof x === “number” for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.now() by Date.now() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.parseJSON() by JSON.parse() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Remove jQuery.support for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.trim(x) by x.trim() for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace jQuery.type(x) by typeof x for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .load( handler ) by .on( “load”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .size() by .length for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .unbind( event ) by .off( event ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery * Fix - Replace .unload( handler ) by .on( “unload”, handler ) for compatibility with latest version of jQuery = 2.0.4 - 2020/12/10 = * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.8.0 = 2.0.3 - 2020/12/08 = * This maintenance release has tweaks and a fix for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.6, WooCommerce 4.7.1 and PHP 7.4.8 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with PHP 7.4.8 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.7.1 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.6 * Fix - Add \ before WC() inside namespace file for it to call to correct WC() of WooCommerce = 2.0.2 - 2020/08/08 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress major version 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.3.1. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.5 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.1 * Fix - Validate return of get_the_terms before called sizeof function of return = 2.0.1 - 2020/04/01 = * This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, WooCommerce 4.0.1, Travis CI build unit test for compliance with WordPress PHP coding standards and PHP tweaks for compatibility with PHP v 7.0 to 7.4 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1 * Tweak - Plugin Framework fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code on admin panels * Tweak - Update plugin for compatibility with new version of plugin Framework * Fix - Update global ${$this- to $GLOBALS[$this to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings * Fix - Update global ${$option to $GLOBALS[$option to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings * Fix - Update less PHP lib that use square brackets [] instead of curly braces {} for Array, depreciated in PHP 7.4 * Fix - Validate to not use get_magic_quotes_gpc function that are depreciated in PHP 7.4 = 2.0.0 - 2019/12/02 = * This feature release upgrades the plugins PHP to Composer Dependency Manager, a full security review plus compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0 and WooCommerce 3.8.1 * Feature - Plugin fully refactored to Composer for cleaner and faster PHP code * Tweak - Remove the hard coded PHP error_reporting display errors false from compile sass to css * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.1 * Dev - Replace file_get_contents with HTTP API wp_remote_get * Dev - Ensure that all inputs are sanitized and all outputs are escaped = 1.9.8 - 2019/08/01 = * This maintenance upgrade is to fix a style conflict with fontawesome icons * Fix - fontawesome icons not able to get correct style on frontend when the fontawesome script is loaded on the page by theme or another plugin. = 1.9.7 - 2019/06/29 = * This is a maintenance upgrade to fix a potentially fatal error conflict with sites running PHP 7.3 plus compatibility with WordPress v 5.2.2 and WooCommerce 3.6.4 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.4 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.2 * Fix - PHP warning continue targeting switch is equivalent to break for compatibility on PHP 7.3 = 1.9.6 - 2019/05/23 = * This maintenance upgrade adds support for ALT text on all Carousel and Slider images plus compatibility with WordPress 5.2.1 and WooCommerce 3.6.3 * Tweak - Add ALT text support for carousel and slider images * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.1 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.3 = 1.9.5 - 2019/04/26 = * This maintenance update has tweaks for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0 and WooCommerce 3.6.0 major new versions whilst maintaining backward compatibility * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2.0 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.2 * Tweak - Support for backward compatibility with WooCommerce v 3.5 = 1.9.4 - 2019/04/04 = * This maintenance update is tweaks and a fix for compatibility with WPML version 4.2 * Tweak - Replace ict_t with wpml_translate_single_string filter for compatibility with WPML 4.2 * Tweak - Replace icl_register_string with wpml_register_single_string action for compatibility with WPML 4.2 * Fix - Correct option name of plugin settings so that it can automatically add to WPML String Translation = 1.9.3 - 2019/04/03 = * This Maintenance update has a tweak for WPML dynamic text stings support plus compatibility tests for WooCommerce 3.5.7 and upcoming WordPress 5.2 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.2 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.7 * Tweak - Full compatibility with WPML with dynamic text = 1.9.2 - 2018/12/27 = * This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2, WooCommerce 3.5.3 and PHP 7.3. It also includes performance updates to the plugin framework. * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2 and WordPress 4.9.9 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.3 * Tweak - Create new structure for future development of Gutenberg Blocks * Framework - Performance improvement. Replace wp_remote_fopen with file_get_contents for get web fonts * Framework - Performance improvement. Define new variable `is_load_google_fonts` if admin does not require to load google fonts * Credit - Props to Derek for alerting us to the framework google fonts performance issue * Framework - Register style name for dynamic style of plugin for use with Gutenberg block * Framework - Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1 * Framework - Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.1.0 * Framework - Test and update for compatibility with PHP 7.3 = 1.9.1 - 2018/05/26 = * This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 and WooCommerce 3.4.0 and the new GDPR compliance requirements for users in the EU * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 * Tweak - Check for any issues with GDPR compliance. None Found * Framework - Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.3 = 1.9.0 - 2018/02/13 = * Feature Upgrade - This upgrade features full integration with newly launched a3rev Dashboard including a prompt to upgrade from a3 License manager to a3rev Dashboard plus compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4 and WooCommerce 3.3.1 * Feature - Upgrade License key auto upgrades and support to a3rev Customer account authorization. * Feature - Post and reply to support tickets right from the a3rev Dashboard Support interface. * Feature - Updating a3 License manager plugin removes it and uploads the new a3rev Dashboard plugin. * Feature - License key no longer used to activate auto updates and upgrades and support. * Feature - Install a3rev Dashboard plugin and authorize it by using your a3rev.com account username and password. * Feature - Manage your account and all a3rev premium plugins from your a3rev dashboard * Feature - plugin support tickets can be posted and replied to from the a3rev Dashboard support interface. * Framework - Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.2 * Framework - Add Framework version for all style and script files * Framework - Update Check Now feature for compatibility with a3rev Dashboard 2.3.0 * Tweak - Remove OLD license manager and tracking code * Tweak - Change OLD thumbnail image name shop_catalog to woocommerce_thumbnail for compatibility with WC 3.3.0 . Backwards compatibility with WC 3.2.6 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4 * Tweak - Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.1 = 1.8.6 - 2017/10/13 = * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.0 * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2 * Tweak - Added support for the new WC 'tested up to' feature to show this plugin has been tested compatible with WC updates = 1.8.5 - 2017/06/07 = * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WordPress major version 4.8.0 * Tweak - Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.7 * Tweak - Include bootstrap modal script into plugin framework * Tweak - Update a3rev plugin framework to latest version * Fix - Update underscore templateSettings to add support for default symbol - <% in addition to Slider symbol - {{ to remove conflict with plugins that use underscore template with default symbol. = 1.8.4 - 2017/04/17 = * Tweak - Full compatibility with WC version 3.0.3 with backward compatibility to WC version 2.6.0 * Tweak - Change call direct to Product properties with new function that are defined on WC v3.0 * Tweak - Get outofstock from term instead of product meta on new WC v3.0 * Tweak - Get product featured from term instead of product meta on new WC v3.0 * Tweak - Apply styling for sale price on new WC v3.0 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.3 = 1.8.3 - 2017/02/08 = * Tweak - Add support for custom Add to Cart button functions of the X Theme. * Tweak - Change global $$variable to global ${$variable} for compatibility with PHP 7.0 * Tweak - Removed auto redirect to plugins admin panel on activation * Tweak - Update a3 Revolution to a3rev Software on plugins description * Tweak - Added Settings link to plugins description on plugins menu * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.2 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.14 * Credit - Thanks to Patrick for the access to his site to add core compatibility with X Theme = 1.8.2 - 2016/10/28 = * Tweak - Define new 'Ajax Multi Submit' control type with Progress Bar showing and Statistic for plugin framework * Tweak - Define new 'Ajax Submit' control type with Progress Bar showing for plugin framework * Tweak - Update plugin framework styles and scripts support for new 'Ajax Submit' and 'Ajax Multi Submit' control type * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.7 = 1.8.1 - 2016/09/24 = * Fix - Apply line-height option to frontend missed on major version 1.8.0 release = 1.8.0 - 2016/09/22 = * Feature - Plugin Framework Mobile First focus upgrade * Feature - Massive improvement in admin UI and UX in PC, tablet and mobile browsers * Feature - Introducing opening and closing Options Boxes on admin panels * Feature - Update for compatibility with new a3 License Manager plugin * Feature - Show admin notification box re installing a3 License Manager plugin to manage license key and auto upgrades * Feature - Added Font editor 'Line Height' option * Feature - Added Next | Previous Slider Icons settings option to style those icons * Feature - Added support for select image size to use from each widget and shortcode * Tweak - Move Plugin menu to as submenu of WooCommerce menu * Tweak - Removed tracking code from plugin * Tweak - Removed auto upgrading code from plugin * Tweak - Remove confirm license key form at first activate the plugin * Tweak - Can use the plugin without entering license key but can't auto upgrade when have new version * Tweak - Update select type of plugin framework for support group options * Tweak - Update Typography Preview script for apply 'Line Height' value to Preview box * Tweak - Update the generate_font_css() function with new 'Line Height' option * Tweak - Replace all hard code for line-height inside custom style by new dynamic 'Line Height' value * Tweak - Register fontawesome in plugin framework with style name is 'font-awesome-styles' * Tweak - Make slider compatible with Caching plugins for mobile display * Tweak - Support responsive for slider when browser window is resized * Tweak - Carousel auto change visible number when window is resized * Tweak - Update product_slider.backbone.js script to support new features * Tweak - Update dynamic style for new features * Tweak - Update text domain for full support of translation * Tweak - Make upgrade function to convert old data to new data to work on this version * Tweak - Update all admin menu option titles and help text * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.6.1 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with PHP 7.0 * Credit - Thanks to Michael Bennewitz for the make Carousel auto change visible number of slides when window is resized Tweak suggestion * Credit - Thanks to Benny Powers for the set image size to be used from each widget and shortcode feature = 1.7.1 - 2016/08/15 = * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.4 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with major WordPress version 4.6 * Fix - Check if 'srcset' is return as 'false' by core WP then set it as empty value that browser ignore that value and get correct image url * Credit - Thanks to Joshua Wilson for the 'srcset' false bug report on the plugins a3rev support forum = 1.7.0 - 2016/06/29 = * Feature - Add 2 new options to Card Skin settings. Add dynamic 'Category' and 'Tag' text which if switched on shows at Footer cell of Card * Tweak - Support for change 'Category' text show on Card type of Slider * Tweak - Support for change 'Tag' text show on Card type of Slider * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce major version 2.6.0 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.1 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.5.3 * Credit - Thanks to Michael Bennewitz for the dynamic text feature suggestion = 1.6.0 - 2016/05/11 = * Feature - Created new Settings page with Plugin Framework Customization settings box and Slider Cache settings box * Feature - Added Option to set Google Fonts API key to directly access latest fonts and font updates from Google * Feature - Added 'Manual Check for New Plugin version'. Find it in the Plugin Framework settings box. * Feature - Added House keeping function to settings. Clean up on Deletion. Option - Choose if you ever delete this plugin it will completely remove all tables and data it created. * Feature - Added LocalStore Cache option for turn ON or OFF * Feature - Added Clean Cache option for set timeout of cache * Tweak - Make new Settings page as first page of plugin * Tweak - Update slider backbone script to support new caching options * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.5.2 = 1.5.0 - 2016/04/08 = * Feature - Added 'Newest' to the available list of Show Type options on Carousel widget * Feature - Added 'Newest' to the available list of Show Type options on Product Slider widget * Feature - Added 'Newest' to the available list of Show Type options on Shortcode popup * Tweak - Saved the time number into database for one time customize style and Save change on the Plugin Settings * Tweak - Replace version number by time number for dynamic style file are generated by Sass to solve the issue get cache file on CDN server * Tweak - Register fontawesome in plugin framework with style name is 'font-awesome-styles' * Tweak - Update plugin framework to latest version * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.5 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.5.5 * Fix - Recent, Featured and On Sale Filters show products in date published order with most recently published product showing first = 1.4.0 - 2016/02/02 = * Feature - Update carousel & slider scripts for support 'scrset' and 'sizes' for new WordPress v4.4 responsive images feature * Feature - Make Carousel & Slider on frontend support the Responsive Image with 2 new attribute 'scrset' and 'sizes' is put on slides for decrease the total size of images are load for small screen * Feature - Change old Media Uploader pop-up to New UI of Uploader with Backbone and Underscore from WordPress * Feature - Added full support for Right to Left RTL layout on plugins admin dashboard * Feature - Update plugin activation and auto Upgrade script for integration with new Responsi Premium Pack plugin * Feature - Define new 'Background Color' type on plugin framework with ON | OFF switch to disable background or enable it * Feature - Define new function - hextorgb() - for convert hex color to rgb color on plugin framework * Feature - Define new function - generate_background_color_css() - for export background style code on plugin framework that is used to make custom style * Feature - Define new 'strip_methods' argument for Uploader type, allow strip http/https or no * Feature - Compatibility WPML plugin : Define 'slider_lang' for support get products on carousel and slider on current language * Tweak - Update backbone script for parse 'slider_lang' parameter * Tweak - Define new 'autoSetSizesForImage' javascript function for support set 'sizes' attribute of images on Carousel and Slider * Tweak - Update the uploader script to save the Attachment ID and work with New Uploader * Tweak - Change call action from 'wp_head' to 'wp_enqueue_scripts' and use 'wp_enqueue_style' function to load style for better compatibility with minify feature of caching plugins * Tweak - Change call action from 'wp_head' to 'wp_enqueue_scripts' to load google fonts * Tweak - Change 'wc_product_slider_widget_item_tpl' , 'wc_product_slider_mobile_item_tpl' and 'wc_product_slider_card_item_tpl' underscore template for Carousel & Slider support 'srcset' and 'sizes' features * Tweak - Updated a3 Plugin Framework to the latest version * Tweak - Defined 'frontend_register_scripts' function with all gallery scripts are registered here for easy to enqueue on frontend * Tweak - Update core style and script of plugin framework for support Background Color type * Tweak - Updated required WordPress version to 4.1 for full compatibility with WooCommerce plugin * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.5.2 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.4.1 * Fix - Compatibility with w3 total cache inline minification. = 1.3.6 - 2015/09/07 = * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.4.6 * Fix - Delete check new version transient when transient_timeout is deleted by WordPress 4.3 get_transients function so call to a3api for new version still works. * Fix - Change timeout of call to a3API for updates from 45 seconds to 8 seconds to resolve the server PHP timeout 30 seconds default. Server timeout before call finish was causing the 24 hour cron call not to be set and causing the dashboard to load slowly if a3API is not reachable. * Fix - Set 24 hours cron before call to a3API so that if have fail to connection then it will call in 24 hours on Cron instead of continue call each time Dashboard is loaded = 1.3.5 - 2015/08/21 = * Tweak - include new CSSMin lib from https://github.com/tubalmartin/YUI-CSS-compressor-PHP-port into plugin framework instead of old CSSMin lib from http://code.google.com/p/cssmin/ , to avoid conflict with plugins or themes that have CSSMin lib * Tweak - make __construct() function for 'Compile_Less_Sass' class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4 * Tweak - change class name from 'lessc' to 'a3_lessc' so that it does not conflict with plugins or themes that have another Lessc lib * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.4.5 * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WordPress major version 4.3.0 * Fix - Make __construct() function for 'WC_Product_Slider_Carousel_Widget' class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4 * Fix - Make __construct() function for 'WC_Product_Slider_Widget' class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4 * Fix - Make __construct() function for 'WC_Product_Slider_Shortcode' class instead of using a method with the same name as the class for compatibility on WP 4.3 and is deprecated on PHP4 = 1.3.4 - 2015/06/27 = * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.11 * Tweak - Updated legacy API url for when a site admin has set index.php permalinks * Tweak - Automatic delete the house keeping option of Lite version when upgrading from Lite to Pro version. Prevents data from being deleted on upgrade if the Lite Version Clean Up On Deletion option is was left switched ON before deactivating it to install the Pro version * Fix - Added fallback cron job schedule to fix License Key deactivation bug that occurs when call to server returns null for server name when checking key status for auto Maintenance and Feature upgrades * Credit - Thanks to Amir https://a3rev.com/forums/topic/predictive-search-pro-losing-licence-activation-every-day/ for full access to live site and for Beta Testing the new call for updates fallback cron job = 1.3.3 - 2015/06/10 = * Fix - Check 'request_filesystem_credentials' function, if it does not exists then require the core php lib file from WP where it is defined = 1.3.2 - 2015/06/04 = * Tweak - Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.10 * Tweak - Security Hardening. Removed all php file_put_contents functions in the plugin framework and replace with the WP_Filesystem API * Tweak - Security Hardening. Removed all php file_get_contents functions in the plugin framework and replace with the WP_Filesystem API * Fix - Update dynamic stylesheet url in uploads folder to the format //domain.com/ so it's always is correct when loaded as http or https = 1.3.1 - 2015/05/18 = * Tweak - Change Carousel and Slider Skins Control and Pager setting default to OFF * Tweak - Control and pager CSS only loads from the footer when those settings are switched ON = 1.3.0 - 2015/05/15 = * Feature - Added ability to Filter the products displayed from a WooCommerce Taxonomies by Recent (existing), Featured or On-Sale * Feature - Product Filter feature has been added to Carousel and Sliders added by widget or embedded by shortcode. * Tweak - On widget when select show type as a Product Category or Tag new Filter options show for selection. * Tweak - Shortcode pop up also supports the new Product Filter feature. * Tweak - Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.2.2 * Tweak - Update cycle2 script to latest version 2.1.6 * Credit - Benny Powers for suggesting the new Product Filter feature. = 1.2.0 - 2015/04/21 = * Tweak - Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.2.0 * Tweak - Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.8 * Tweak - Update style of plugin framework. Removed the [data-icon] selector to prevent conflict with other plugins that have font awesome icons * Fix - Compatibility text for current version of WordPress on the Core Update page. Feature stopped working with WordPress version 4.1 = 1.1.9 - 2015/03/19 = * Tweak - Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.7 * Tweak - Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.1.1 = 1.1.8 - 2015/02/13 = * Tweak - Maintenance update for full compatibility with WooCommerce major version release 2.3.0 with backward compatibility to WC 2.2.0 * Tweak - Tested fully compatible with WooCommerce just released version 2.3.3 * Tweak - Changed WP_CONTENT_DIR to WP_PLUGIN_DIR. When an admin sets a custom WordPress file structure then it can get the correct path of plugin = 1.1.7 - 2015/01/20 = * Tweak - Slider and Carousel container load at 250px high and then expand or contract to height of items loaded when loaded - improved UI. * Fix - Updated correct url to imagesLoaded.js script * Fix - Show pager on mobile skin when viewing on mobile * Fix - Update legacy api so that use home_url( '/' ) instead of get_option('siteurl') to solve the problem can't get data when site has WordPress Settings > General, configured WordPress Address different from Site Address = 1.1.6 - 2015/01/19 = * Tweak - Fix Carousel and Slider skins first load UI when Dynamic height is activated for a skin * Tweak - Convert each skin style sheets to its own file instead of combining it all into one minified file. * Tweak - Carousel and SliderSkin .css only loads on urls where carousel slider is embed by shortcode or in widget - like js assets * Tweak - Edit for full compatibility with a3 Lazy Load. Only load skin when it comes into the view port like content * Dev - Convert Sass Global .less to simplify compiling style sheet edits. * Fix - Sass compile path not saving on windows xampp. = 1.1.5 - 2015/01/14 = * Tweak - Added str_replace( array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), '', $slider_output) to prevent Themes and plugins that process shortcodes from adding line break br and paragraph p tags to Carousel and slider shortcodes and breaking them. * Credit - Thanks to Cheryl Rogers for notifying us of the issue on her site and the access to find and patch it. = 1.1.4 - 2015/01/12 = * Tweak - Audit, test and tweak for 100% compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.10 * Tweak - Audit, test and tweak for 100% compatibility with WordPress Version 4.1 * Tweak - Only load backbone scripts on the post and page where carousel and slider is embedded by shortcode or as a widget * Tweak - Only load plugin assets on post and page where carousel and slider is embedded by shortcode or as a widget. * Tweak - Only load assets on page that are required for carousel and slider effects - not all plugin js assets. * Tweak - Only load carousel and slider mobile assets when load in mobile screen. * Fix - Show the new plugin version on the Core Update page. Feature stopped working with WordPress version 4.1 = 1.1.3 - 2014/11/12 = * Fix - a3rev License code now recognises domain with and without the www. We believe that this will solve Licenses auto deactivating on some sites. = 1.1.2 - 2014/09/12 = * Tweak - Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce 2.2.2 * Tweak - Tested 100% compatible with WordPress Version 4.0 * Fix - Changed __DIR__ to dirname( __FILE__ ) for Sass script so that on some server __DIR___ is not defined = 1.1.1 - 2014/09/04 = * Tweak - Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce Version 2.2 and backwards to v2.1 * Tweak - Use wc_get_product() function instead of get_product() function when site is using WooCommerce Version 2.2 * Tweak - Updated Sass script in plugin framework. * Tweak - Removed '//# sourceMappingURL=jquery.cycle2.js.map' comment in cycle2 script The Chrome browser read comment and find jquery.cycle2.js.map file from server = 1.1.0 - 2014/08/27 = * Feature - Converted all front end CSS #dynamic {stylesheets} to Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} for faster carousel and slider loading. * Feature - Convert all back end CSS to Sass. * Feature - Complete rebuild of the Product slider front end in backbone.js * Feature - Complete rebuild of the Product Carousel front end in Backbone.js * Feature - Complete rebuild of the Product Slider shortcode front end display in Backbone.js * Feature - Backbone.js / WooCommerce API reduces the plugins resource call on the host server by a massive +50%. * Feature - Added Underscore.js script as template for Backbone.js for rendering template display on frontend * Feature - Added Backbone.localStorage.js to cache the slider on users local machine. * Tweak - Register Legacy API '/wc_product_slider_legacy_api' for plugin to use with Backbone.js * Tweak - Updated google font face in plugin framework. * Tweak - Update Cycle2 script from 2.1.2 to latest version 2.1.5 = - 2014/06/17 = * Tweak - Updated chosen js script to latest version 1.0.1 on the a3rev Plugin Framework * Tweak - Convert Lifetime License to single site purchase with add sites at discount feature. * Tweak - Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce version 2.1.11 = - 2014/05/29 = * Tweak - Changed add_filter( 'gettext', array( $this, 'change_button_text' ), null, 2 ); to add_filter( 'gettext', array( $this, 'change_button_text' ), null, 3 ); * Tweak - Update change_button_text() function from ( $original == 'Insert into Post' ) to ( is_admin() && $original === 'Insert into Post' ) * Tweak : Added support for placeholder feature for input, email , password , text area types. * Tweak - Tested 100% compatible with WooCommerce Version 2.1.9 * Tweak - Tested 100% compatible with WordPress Version 3.9.1 = 1.0 - 2014/04/10 = * First Release - Set up Github repo and make first commit of source code. * First Release - Config for auto download of plugin for upgrades and License purchases.